Ka Nohona Pili Kai - Words by Keali`i Reichel & Puakea Nogelmeier, Music - Begin (Teichiku Entertainment Inc.)
Pä hanu mai ka pua ehu o ke kai
E holu nape ana i ka lau kï
Me he leo `a`ala i mäpu mai
E heahea mau nei
Aloha ë, aloha nö
Aloha ka häli`ali`a mau
He nani ë, he nani nö
He nani ka nohona pili kai
(He nani ka nohona, he nani io no
He nani kuuhone pili kai)
Lauele ka mana`o i ke aumoe
Hia`ä i ka `ulaleo o ke kai
Ka`iawe ka hä`upu aloha
E ho`omälie mau nei
He pilikana ka malu ulu niu
Hei mai ana me ka pöhuehue
A he wehi ho`i ko hi`ikua ë
E kähiko mau nei
Puana `ia no ke ehu o ke kai
Ia hanu `a`ala o ke aumoe
Moe a`e ke ala e `alo ai
E ho`olale mau nei
The spray of the sea comes as a breath
Rustling the leaves of the ti plants
Like a perfumed whisper scenting the air
Ever calling to me
Beloved, beloved indeed!
Beloved is the sweet remembrance
Beautiful, beautiful indeed!
Beauty embodies that seaside home
The mind wanders freely in the dark of night
Wakeful from the spirit-like voice of the sea
Precious images drift through my thoughts
Always bringing a sense of peace
The shade of the coconut grove is like family
Embracing me like the morning glory
Those who are gone become a thing of beauty
An everlasting adornment to hold dear
The spray of the sea recounts the story
That perfumed murmur of the deep of night
The pathway lies before us that we tread
Beckoning us ever forward